We went to see Wicked the Movie and big gosh what an experience, LOVED IT!!!! Now, you may be thinking, why is this relevant to a Crystal Moon blog, well dear readers let me tell you!
I’ve been on maannnyyy Spiritual Immersion in my wee life. A flavour amongst ones catered to Women in particular have a similar theme ripple throughout them. This “good girl”/”bad girl” archetype. Some phrase it as the “Madonna/Whore” split (for reference here, “whore” was defined as “she who desires”), as a general vibe, it’s this split of the part of us that is “pure, fresh, radiates outwardly, fits in with society, obeys the status quo”, and the other part being “the rule breaker, beats to her own drum, wild and untameable”. Some philosophers and spiritual folk have assigned these roles to the upper heart chakra, being the outward expression and loving to others (sometimes at the cost of their own sense of self), and the lower heart chakra where you’re grounded in your sense of self. I could observe all these archetypes through the film Wicked.
I love films for self exploration, reflection and observing collective archetypes, and Wicked provided a yummy platform to do just that.
For me, I could see the archetype and mythology of “Lilith and Eve” play out.
To me and my beautiful Rainbow brain, Elphaba personified the story of Lilith in many ways, not exact, but that vibe was there for sure! Now on my Priestess journey dedicating to Lilith, I found that she resonates with those who have been outcast, yup I can tick that box for sure. Now, how does this link back to Wicked…. Elphaba is shunned by society for being different initially, then she stands up against the “power that be” aka the Wizard of Oz in this scenario calling his shizz out. The same way Lilith stood up against God calling his shizz out. Both were cast out, Elphaba from the seemingly wonderful magical land of Oz and Lilith from the apparent enchanting Garden of Eden. Throughout Elphaba’s life she has this Lilith edge where she stands up for something. She’s shunned by an authority figure yet stands by what she stands for. After both Lilith and Elphaba are kicked out of society, they are demonised and their narrative changed so they became hated. Lilith was made a demon and stories were told of how she ate babies (lol, totes not the energy of Lilith I’m a Priestess to btw), and Elphaba is scorned as the “Wicked Witch of the West”, the story is told how she abused those precious monkies (man that scene was tough to watch).
Elphaba is the “Dark Goddess” archetype, I soo love this vibe! To me, from both personal experience and on my adventure on dedicating as a Priestess of the Dark Goddess, this energy tends to be the “misfit”, shunned from society yet deeply powerful. Something I loved about Cynthia’s portrayal of Elphaba is she oozed with this energy and this amazing primal vibe about her where she felt very in her power yet untameable. And dear reader, that is the Dark Goddess energy. You can see throughout the Goddess Mythology how different Dark Goddesses have been demonised and shunned. Let’s take Morgan le Fay for example, powerful Priestess, amazing Goddess yet heavily demonised against, belittled for her sensuality and made out to be the villain. We can see that with Hekate, Freyja even where she’s been reduced to a sex Goddess when she is so much more! Goddesses who stands for something, yet are distorted and societal views manipulated against them.
Here at Crystal Moon Emporium, we LOVE the Dark Goddess and for years have delivered workshops and courses about this (totally sign up to our newsletter or email us if you want to know more), we also have a whole range of Dark Goddess products to connect to this energy within from our Dark Goddess tea to Dark Goddess bundles we put together and so much more. Basically, we feel this energy is important to connect to and welcome this part of our psyche in.
We could even go as far as relating Elphaba to the “fight” mode of the Nervous system, and I know and love people who’s default is fight for their nervous system, and let me tell you they are so similar to Elphaba.And like Elphaba, they are some of the bravest people I know as they are tired of “fighting” yet they are the first people to stand up for something that is not ok.
We could even go on to make a connection between Glinda and Eve. That “pure” energy type vibe, Eve being created from the rib of Adam and the image of Glinda being created by the Wizard of Oz. They both have this obey quality to them, and there’s nothing wrong with that if you resonate with that vibe as it’s way of survival as you see with Glinda, it’s all she’s known, the same way with Eve, and it’s so jarring when the illusion of her life is starting to fade and reality sets in.
Now, the Spiritual immersions I’ve encountered, numerous talk about how it is in fact Lilith who is the snake in the Garden of Eden, making her way back in to save Eve. Much like how it’s Elphaba who reveals the truth of the Wizard and thus we see (well if you haven’t seen the Theatre show, you’ll have to wait a year for the Part 2 film muahaha) Glinda’s character development more so.
If you want to be sciencey here too, I feel that Glinda represents the “befriend” mode (some call it “Fawn” but I prefer the phrase befriend) of the nervous system, and this tends to be my default too so I can totes resonate with Glinda.
If you want to go even deeper down this rabbit hole, you could apply astrology to this too. Now I love astrology after studying a few years at a Goddess Temple to be a Priestess of Astrology, although I feel I’m just touching the surface of this.
If we put our Astrology Goggles on, we could say Elphaba represents the energy of Scorpio, that of deep mystery, the energy that does not conform to what is expected, and Aquarius, that of being the Rebel, beats to their own Drum and starts a revolution type vibe. Glinda is the energy of Taurus; the energy of pleasure, beauty and loving pretty things and Leo, that of the Queen energy and a sense of pride. As someone who has a North node in Scorpio and a South node in Taurus, I totally resonate with these 2 parts and I’m on the journey of bringing inner harmony to them. You’ll also see on birth charts that Aquarius is opposite Leo, and Scorpio is opposite Taurus. When I was chatting to my Sister about this blog and the vibe of this, we both were like woah! This shows that Glinda and Elphaba are each others opposite, there’s clashing energy there for sure and there’s also a beautiful dynamics and in a way, they both need each other to balance one another out. Like Aquarius needs Leo for a sense of self, Leo needs Aquarius to see more of the collective... Scorpio needs Taurus to remember the beauty of the World as they embrace the shadows of life, Taurus needs Scorpio to see the whole picture of life. Yin Yang vibes, nom nom!
The film as a whole is the vibe of Pluto in Aquarius, which is yummy! If you’re a keen Astrologer like me. you’ll do a lil eep to that I have no doubt! You may have heard of the “age of Aquarius” and many Astrologers believe that time is now, particularly with Pluto being in Aquarius signalling this. The energy of Pluto in Aquarius is about radical change, structures/societal constructs being revealed for what they truly are, truth about things being revealed, power dynamics shifting and soooo much more! To put this into context for Wicked, the Wizard is an illusion, he has no true power yet he is in charge and uses fear to control the masses. Structures like that will start to crumble in the style of a lot of people starting to see the truth like Elphaba did, realising they held the power all along. I feel its about the rise of the underdog. It’s typical for those who speak up against bullying etc end up being bullied themselves, like we see with Elphaba. Pluto in Aquarius is like an invitation to step into your power, come together with like-minded people. In general, some people will go into Glinda mode where they’ll deny, hide and cling to the “powers that be” **cough* the wizard. Others will go into Elphaba mode and realise they’ve had enough of being repressed, witnessing abuse (like those poor monkeys and the Goat Professor! Those scenes!) and will realise their power within and step away from false societal dynamics like the Wizard.
If you love astrology, have a look at your birth chart to have a vibe of what your own inner Elphaba and Glinda is like. You can also reach out to us at mail@crystalmoonemporium.com for your own not-for-profit Wicked themed birth chart reading based on this!
Thank you!
Many, including myself, belief we all have these 2 parts within us, the “rebel” and the “peacekeeper” type vibe, or should I say an inner Elphaba and inner Glinda! I feel it’s like that story about the 2 wolves within, maybe it’s time we start accepting and making space for both.